
Thank you SO much for all of the time and effort you spent on this [manuscript] with me. It definitely went a long way with the reviewers –– two of them specifically said it was an ‘enjoyable’ read. Thanks to you!
— Dr. Lindsey Smart, Center for Geospatial Analytics

Exemplary science can’t be impactful unless it’s well communicated. After I helped the scientist quoted above polish her research manuscript, her work could be better appreciated not only by scientific journal editors and reviewers but also by members of the press. When her manuscript was published, the findings it contained were covered by the Associated Press and over a dozen media outlets, ranging from local broadcast news to Smithsonian Magazine and Fortune.

For me, editing isn’t just about making sure grammar is correct, styles are consistent, and text flows well (although these are important!). It’s also about making sure an argument is logical, the reader doesn’t have to work to grasp it, and the writing is as easy to read as possible (and even enjoyable!). A keen attention to detail and first-hand experience in science helps.

Copyedited book

Clarkson, C.E., J.E. Osenkowski, V.A. Steen, R.J. Duhaime, and P.W.C. Paton. 2023. The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Rhode Island. 2023. Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management Division of Fish and Wildlife. 480 pp.

Peer-reviewed publications acknowledging my edits and advice have appeared in…


Environmental Modelling & Software

Nature Geoscience

Science of the Total Environment

Water Resources Research

Conservation Science and Practice

Environmental Research Letters

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B

PloS one



Ecological Applications

After I help scientists publish their research, I also help them spread the word about their work, using non-technical language and compelling stories. See examples of my press releases, news announcements, features, explainers, and more.